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Government consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework- deadline 24th September

We thought you might be interested in the current government consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework.

The timeframe for this consultation is now very short as it was announced during the summer - the consultation deadline is 24 September.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the national planning policies which determine what can be built and where and what land and buildings can be used for.  It is being reviewed to help deliver the objectives of 1.5 million new homes and green energy solutions quicker and more effectively than can be achieved under current planning policies. 

Anyone can file representations on the proposed changes to the NPPF using this link:


White Cross

CARA members supported CARA making representations on this application which CARA has continued to do following the recent consultation on additional documentation filed by the applicant- planning application 77576

There has been a very interesting comment added regarding the proposed joining the grid at Yelland as opposed to Alverdiscott.


CARA Open Meeting

We are planning to hold an Open Meeting in November and will let you know when we have the date.

All the Best - The CARA Team

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